This will use Skyrim's leveling system naturally so that you will get your perks! Skill names are one word, so incpcs onehanded would raise your One Handed weapon skill. Instead, use the incpcs skillname command.

The player.advlevel cheat would seem right, but it doesn't give you the perk point or attribute increase you'd expect. There is no cheat that levels you directly in Skyrim. Pressing tilde again will close the console. The screen will dim and you'll be prompted to type - there you will input commands and press the enter key. To open Skyrim's Command Console for cheating, press the tilde~ key just below ESC. Note the Xbox 360/PS3 versions of Skyrim cannot use the command console and may only 'cheat' by exploiting glitches in the game.

The goal of this article is to provide a list of only the cheats used by average Skyrim players. While this is a wonderful tool for power users, sorting through all the commands to find those traditional cheats you want can be a pain. Skyrim includes a powerful command console that allows you to manipulate many aspects of the game. Skyrim Cheats: Console Commands Leveling, Gold, and Other Common Cheats